
2006/7 Sixes and Sevens (40')

With his playful soundscape, composer Mark Lockett guides us into a dreamy travel between South East Asia and Catalogne, where instruments and field recordings gently converse. Sylvain Chauveau for Radio 0

  1. 6’s & 7’s : cerbère in the winter, the wind rattling windows and doors, the singing railings, the slow goods trains, an old derelict piano
  2. 6’s & 7’s : the lake district national park uk, early morning climb, helvelyn, 3118 feet, the heartbeat, water, encounters on the descent, overheard sunday mass in chapel
  3. 6’s & 7’s : cerbère in high summer, crickets, chickens, the hum of heat, the ever-present slow trains, a borrowed hpschd
  4. 6’s & 7’s : between circuits of carnaval, revelry, dancing on tables, et glou et glou et glou
  5. 6’s & 7’s : long, hot afternoon in the ecole de musique d’espéraza
  6. 6’s & 7’s : midnight in a tiny village church with harmonium, the following day on the paris metro
  7. 6’s & 7’s : “life is so wonderful, i think you’d love it” : hommage to Mother, resident in Asmall Hall nursing home. Venetian church bells, canals and the sounds of the Mersey ferry

2016 Eos (16')

2016 Leucosia (18')

2017 Sirius (9')

Collaborative pieces with light sculptor Charlotte Beaufort, created for gallery installations, looking at interconnections between different sensorial media. 

2020 Londonia soundscape (50') 

An ambient soundscape created for the London book launch of Kate A Hardy's dystopian novel "Londonia" which imagines a chaotic and Dickensian city without transport, electricity or running water at the end of the 21st century. It was a challenge to record all the material in London without traffic, planes or electronic sounds.

2020 The Katbells Fishing Community (37')

An everyday tale of a medieval fishing village, or premonitory dream about the survivors of an unspecified catastrophic event ? Short story by Kate A. Hardy, read by the author, with original sound design and treatments.